The Conflicts Between Wealth & Perspective


Staff Writer

Money is everywhere within every aspect of the world. Money flows throughout the world with the intent to benefit the average consumer. If we look behind the scenes of the problems money might cause, status is a huge issue. Some people believe that if you contain a higher sense of wealth, you reserve a large amount of power or political character. While this ideal may prove true in some cases, it is still extremely misguided. If somebody is more wealthy than you, that doesn’t make them a better person. Money does not define a person nor put them higher up. The common idea that most people seem to forget is that character overrules money. You can have all the riches in the world handed to you, but that isn’t going to make you happy nor hand you success. The important fact to remember is that our wealth doesn’t reflect our character. It is within our character and self appreciation that we can find true happiness and success in society. If you took a step back from society and subtracted currency from the equation, you would realize that the world we live in would be alot more self aware. The best way to create your own happiness and become self made is to not focus on the money, but more on your perspective of who you want to be. 

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