Is Slavery is Still a Problem in Our World?


Staff Writer

Slavery is still a problem that affects many people there are an estimated 40.3 million slaves all around the world, and 1 in 4 of those slaves are children. There are an estimated 403,000 estimated slaves in the US right now. The slavery numbers have never been as high as they are right now. There were around 4 million slaves in the 1800s and there is more than 10 times that amount now. There are a very large amount of slaves all around the world currently and there is not much concern about it. There are very few news channels and other media forms that are not talking about it. Slavery numbers are at their highest and there are very few things for the slaves to do about it and there is not much being done to help find and free the people. There are many people that need to be freed and they are not being freed and people are not doing anything to find them and put those to blame in prison or even court. The same groups owning enslaved people are the same groups that are doing many other illegal things, such as drug trafficking, human trafficking, and many other things such as that. There are many people that are enslaving others and giving them no money but giving them food and a house and saying they are being paid with that. In reality, they are not allowed to leave their place of work, they are not given anywhere near enough food and are treated unfairly in their place of work, and are forced to work illegal times and some are forced to do illegal work such as make drugs or other drug-related things, and many are put in prison because they were forced to work illegal jobs and were thrown in prison for helping. Women and girls are 71% of all slaves, and 50% were held in “debt” to their employer, owing more work or money to their employer, who is using them as a slave. Many of the slaves are victims of forced sexual activities to which they had no consent. Many of the victims of slavery suffer from mental health problems and there are many people who come out from something like being a slave and victim of sexual assault and they commit suicide or inflict self pain, 67% attempt to hurt themselves or commit suicide because of what happened to them.

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