Why Dasani Water Sucks

By Anonymous

Staff Writer

We all know the typical water bottle brands like Aquafina, Smartwater, Fiji (the best), and obviously yours truly Dasani water. But Dasani water is possibly the worst water to ever be made on this planet earth. When you drink any other bottled water you are fine and feel hydrated like a normal water bottle does but when you drink Dasani water you just feel much thirstier than you have before. Do you know why this is like that? It is because there is SALT in Dasani water, literal SALT. Dasani water is proven by the FDA to be bad for you and you’re probably asking why the speaker, which is me, has such a vendetta against Dasani water. It is because it’s just bad, it’s gross, I rather drink any other water than drink Dasani Water. You may like Dasani water which is fine, music is subjective which means water is subjective but here is the list of why Dasani is bad, it makes you thirstier and has minerals from tap water filtered back into it. I rest my case.

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