I Believe 


Staff Writer 

I believe that someone’s mental health should always be the main priority in their life. Today a lot of people are so concerned about school, work, paying the bills, and just all the tasks that they need to get through before the sunsets again. We are constantly speeding through the day and letting our mental health and happiness slip through our hands. 

I almost let my happiness slip out of my hands myself once. I was so caught up in getting straight As and being there for everyone else except myself. However, when I was alone I was then able to realize that I wasn’t happy with my life. I was stuck in a never-ending cycle where I had felt that I wouldn’t ever be able to break out of this exhausting pattern that I had developed.

 I believe that a lot of people get stuck into similar cycles that make them feel so tired and upset with their life. In today’s society, mental health is often seen as a nonessential thing and when someone chooses to put their mental health first they are often viewed as less than or weak. This is what causes a lot of people to not have the bravery to seek the help that they know that they need. When there are people around them that brush their cry for help as something that is silly and nonsense it can make them feel dramatic and that they are really fine when they’re not. There are many individuals in this world that are incapable of understanding that having feelings and feeling down sometimes is something that shouldn’t be hidden. Our mental health is what helps us get through the day and when we aren’t in the best state of mind it can make every task feel so impossible. This is why when there is something wrong, even if it seems small we should always reach out and get the help we need before the damage is done. So I applaud everyone that has the strength to admit when they’re not okay and to get the help they need. 

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