Why school should start later.


Staff Writer

I believe that when you are tired in the morning and just get to school it is hard to learn. If school were to start later, maybe around 9:00 am every day. I know it would push the school day to last longer but I just think it is too hard to learn in the mornings. Starting late we get more time to sleep in, better focus when learning, and overall better happiness. 

When you start school later we will have more time to sleep and get ready. For some, it is really hard to wake up in the mornings so this would help students from being tardy. When given enough time to prepare and get dressed students can perform better in class. Going to school with no sleep and unprepared is only setting yourself up for failure. Students would also be able to focus more since they have already been awake for a while and have had time for their brains to wake up and be ready to learn new things. Giving students this time can also cause an increase in their happiness. It always feels like you wake up and go straight to school with this extra time. People may be able to spend more time with families in the morning, like eating breakfast altogether.

In conclusion, starting school later would benefit a majority of students and make school more enjoyable. 

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