Being Patient with Yourself


Staff Writer

I think being patient is a big part of living. You have to be patient with almost everything, like when we’re waiting for a new episode of our favorite tv show to come out. Even when we wait for food to finish being ready. We also need to be patient with ourselves. Especially when we are healing from things that have happened to us. I’ve learned the hard way that it’s worth waiting. Give yourself that time to heal, there’s no rush. I wish I had learned that a long time ago. Being patient with yourself helps improve your happiness a lot. I myself am a very impatient person when it comes to almost everything. But when I am healing from things that have happened to me I try my best to be very patient and I tell myself that it’s okay for me to be feeling like this now, it’s normal. I tell myself that I will overcome this situation and my feelings and I will end up being happy. So be patient with yourself, It will be worth it.

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