Dress Up Week El Diamante


Staff Writer

At El Diamante High school there is a dress-up week due to the movement of ¨Dude Be Nice¨ and it is to spread awareness to be kind to everyone. Everyone was given a wristband that said Dude Be Nice with El Diamante on it that was made by Link Crew. The dress-up days are different each day and are fun for the students to all participate in. Monday’s dress-up day was to dress like your favorite celebrity. Many students dressed as Adam Sandler or Drake. Tuesday’s dress-up day was a crazy outfit day and there were some students with crazy pants and shirts on. Mr. Taylor, the learning director, wore bright pink pants and some teachers had crazy hair. Wednesday is dress as your favorite meme. This day was pretty hard to do but students still tried it and it was pretty funny to see everyone’s outfits. Thursday is cowboys vs aliens and many students wore cowboy boots and cowboy hats. Some also wore alien outfits as well and it was interesting. To finish off the week Friday was pretty fun and the dress-up day was for the students and teachers to flip flop outfits for the day. Teachers dressed like students, and students dressed as teachers. Overall the week at El Diamante was pretty fun and interesting and it was a good way to spread the news to be nice to everyone. 

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