Self Image: Friend Or Foe


Staff Writer 

Self-image is the personal view or mental image we portray in our minds. Our minds can be very intricate and tricky. Our minds have the power to overrule our intentions. Within our minds, there is a lot of power over one’s choices. The way we think can majorly affect the way we carry out our actions. Because the human mind is such a powerful mechanic of our bodies, the self-image we have of ourselves can be discouraging and misleading. We as people sometimes want to pertain or live up to a certain image that is clearly not a reflection of who we really are. The way we dress, who we surround ourselves with, and the way we act are all examples of attributes we tend to lie to ourselves about. At a younger age, it’s harder for people to try and figure themselves out; therefore they follow others and resist themselves to be their own person. Adults can do this as well, but not as frequently. The one thing that some people need to do is, take a step back and assess how happy they really are with themselves. If you’re not as happy as you want to be, try taking a look at the way you see yourself. If the way you carry yourself has a stutter in your step, you’re doing it all wrong. You need to seek yourself out and find what truly makes you happy. If you can do this, you’ll be more likely to accept and positively express the way you see yourself. 

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