Why Exercise is Important


Staff Writer

I believe that exercise is one the best things someone can do to better themselves as a person. There are a lot of things working out can help you with. Working out can allow you to feel more confident about yourself, improves your physical health, and can even help some with mental health. 

Working out can be very hard when you first start. Depending on what you’re trying to do with your body it’s always really hard when you don’t see results right away. When people do see the results it can make you feel really proud of yourself and the work you put in. Getting compliments on how much better you look can really boost someone’s confidence and allow for more happiness in their life. The one downside of this is having body dysmorphia which is when someone always thinks their body looks bad but what you have to remember when you feel this way is as long as you are improving yourself there is nothing to feel bad about. 

When you work out your body feels way better too. Lifting, stretching, and cardio all have great benefits for your health. If you are also eating healthy while still continuing to exercise there are so many health benefits you receive. This strengthens your heart and all the muscles in your body. It reduces your risk of high cholesterol and heart attacks.

Getting through something that is hurting you mentally is very difficult to do and it’s hard to find ways to cope with this kind of pain that is healthy. Working out is probably one of the best things you can do during a time like this. Most people start working out after breakups and it is one of the ways people heal. 

In conclusion, I think everyone should try working out of any type and just see how it makes you feel about yourself and how much it can improve your life overall.

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