Staff Writer
This week has been crazy. Liverpool has a chance for first place. Arsenal in their last five games has had a three-game losing streak which gives a chance for the Tottenham Spurs to come out in the top 4. Arsenal has 60 points but will that hold the 2 points they have over the Spurs? In third place is Chelsea with 66 points which is 6 points over Arsenal, which is two wins. Chelsea has 2 wins, 2 losses, and a tie, so they are looking good. In second place with an amazing comeback to come close to the first place title is Liverpool with 4 wins and a tie which gives them the momentum they may need to take this first place title home, but can they do it or will they be stuck at the 79 points they have? And in first place after taking a massive lead in points is Manchester City with 80 points. In the last five games they have had three wins and 2 ties gaining points every match, but will that be enough? Man City now has to win out to keep their first place title – Can they get it done?