What to do When You Forgot Someone’s Birthday


Staff Writer

A cruel yet easy mistake to make is forgetting someone’s birthday. DUH DUH DUHHH! Here’s a list of steps to help guide you through the process of fixing your mistake.

  1. As soon as you realize it is that person’s birthday make sure to go and buy them a card! It is way worse to show up empty-handed saying happy birthday rather than having a card and saying happy birthday.
  2. You need to buy a gift. This gift doesn’t need to be glamorous or expensive but should show that you know the person well. It can even be a $50 gift card to their favorite store. Once you buy the cards and gifts, it is now time to make your move.
  3. Now it is time to actually go and see the person. A nice little touch to add with your card and gift is a little dessert with a candle. Something so small can mean a lot. So, once you see the person; make sure to light the candle and sing happy birthday.
  4. Finally- if you are a really good friend- get Jake Ryan to stand outside their house with his red 944 Porsche and they’ll totally forgive you for forgetting their birthday!
  • P.S- One helpful tip: Put their birthday in your calendar!

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