Dance Show 


Staff Writer

The dance show just took place this past weekend at the LJ Williams Theater. The El Diamante Dance Program did absolutely amazing; thanks to the help of the awesome dance teacher the program has. Meg Skadan put together an outstanding show that the dancers and the audience greatly enjoyed. This year’s dance show was the first and last dance show for many dancers, this is the senior’s second dance show throughout their four years being in high school. The dance show was exhilarating for many dancers, especially since the program has not been able to be on the stage for two years. There were multiple group dances, small group dances, solos, and duets that were performed. There were multiple styles performed such as hip hop, jazz, musical theater, lyrical, and contemporary. All dance classes performed at this show including intro, intermediate, advanced, and the In Motion dance team. This dance show was a reflection of all of the hard work these students in the dance program and Miss Skadan put in all year. This was a wonderful moment for the whole dance program.

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