Selfish Machines


Staff Writer 

Pierce the Veil is an emo rock band from San Diego, California. In the band are the members, Vic Fuentes, his brother, Mike Fuentes, and Tony Perry. Originally, the two brothers were in a band called “Before Today” which was a little punk rock scene band. To preface, Pierce the Veil is not a hardcore emo band. I say this because a lot of people refuse to listen to any band labeled “emo” because of the “screaming”… they scream but not too much and not too little, at first it may be a little different especially if you’ve never listened to emo music before, but after a while, it literally is the best thing in the world. If you are starting to listen to them I would start with the album “Selfish Machines”, I think the majority of people who like PTV would agree that this album is a great starter album because there is minimal screaming and it literally is just such a good album I promise. My friends who used to make fun of me for listening to them listened to “Selfish Machines” and it literally blew all of their minds. And I’m not even saying to start with this album because it’s “less extreme”, but because in general it is one of the best albums in the world and probably in my top five favorite albums ever. This album is great so I’m going to go through my favorite songs on this album. 

  1. Besitos 

This song is so good, the instrumental is perfect because it has the perfect build-ups and the perfect chorus. Don’t let the title phase you… It might sound cheesy but it’s such a good song. Pierce loves to add this female voice in some of their songs, which I love so much, and they did it in this song. I would say the best part of this song is the minutes from 2:30 until the end of the song. 

  1. Southern Constellations into The Boy Who Could Fly

These two go together as Southern Constellations transitions into The Boy Who Could Fly, there isn’t much to say about Southern Constellations as it is a minute long and isn’t really a song it’s just a little intermission. But I love when artists make songs transition into another one so that it just sounds like one song. The build-up at the end of SC leading into TBWCF is so exciting and so good, and let me say that TBWCF is one of my favorite PTV songs. This song is amazing, Vic’s voice sounds good and the lyrics are so good as well. The different parts of the song are all amazing as some parts are faster than others, there is this one part of the song that literally blows my mind every single time, minute 2:20 to 3:10…. The guitar and his voice blend so well together I am in love with this song 

  1. Stay Away From My Friends 

This song is definitely slower than the others but that’s what makes it so good. The lyrics in this song are probably some of the best of their whole discography, and the piano and the melody are perfect. In my opinion, the end is the best part because it gets a little louder but not too fast. I also like when his voice cracks because it sounds good, and his voice cracks a lot in this song. I can’t even choose the best minute because the whole thing is so good, but I will say the best lyrics are “I don’t know how you got into me, down my throat and made a home in my veins, they used to be the rivers that would take us away”

  1. The Sky Under The Sea 

This song has become one of my favorite Pierce songs recently, it is so addicting to listen to. His voice is so so good in this, the way he pronounces certain words and the way his voice cracks just makes his music sounds so unique. Again, the instrumental in this song is so mind-blowing everytime there is a guitar solo it’s insane. The best part of this song would have to be 2:13 to the end. The speed of this song is also what I think makes this song so good. 

  1. I Don’t Care If You’re Contagious 

Finally, this song is probably literally my favorite Pierce song. Everything about this song is amazing. The lyrics, the instrumental, the melody, his voice, and just everything. And the story behind this song is so sweet too, the song was written as a gift to a fan who had recently lost her boyfriend in a car crash and is written from the boy’s perspective. I could probably write an essay on this song. Let’s discuss my favorite lyrics, “Would somebody make me go blind for the rest of my life, cause I’d do anything to hold your hand”, he says this because blind people need to be led places either by a cane or by a hand, he wants to go blind because he wants to hold her hand forever. And “I’m gonna tear out the thread one by one from your skin till your bones feel embarrassed by all the attention”. I just have no words to explain how much I love this song. 

I really recommend this album to anyone, there is no other album that compares or even comes close to sounding or feeling the same. 

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