

Staff Writer

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week! Here are 9 ways you can show appreciation to your teacher before the school year ends. 

Write them a meaningful letter. Teachers have a significant impact on their students, but they rarely are told directly about their influence. Write your teacher a card letting them know how much you value them. 

Collaborate with your classmates to surprise them. Collaborate with your classmate to create a huge card, dance, or another surprise to make your teacher smile. 

Give them a gift card to treat themselves. Teachers are notoriously underpaid and often receive gifts for their classrooms, not themselves. Help your teachers treat themselves by fundraising in the classroom or asking your parents for a gift card to a restaurant or spa. 

Bake a dessert for them. Bringing a dessert is a perfect affordable option to show your teacher your appreciation for their hard work. 

Ask local businesses for free coupons and donations to create a bundle for your teacher. Local businesses often have vouchers and gift cards to donate to good causes. Call around to local businesses to create gifts for teachers. 

Offer to help organize or assist in their classroom. Although schools have janitorial staff, teachers are largely responsible for keeping their classrooms organized. Offer to help tidy up the classroom during a free period. 

Give your teacher a book. Books are a great way to communicate how another person has inspired us. Give your teacher a book and write on the inside your motivation behind choosing that book. 

Decorate their door. If your teacher decorates their door, you can ask an adult or help to decorate their door. Leave space for students to sign and leave a heartwarming message. 

Organize with your principal a way for the school to honor them. Reach out to your principal, superintendent, or school board advocating for your teacher to receive formal appreciation. 

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