Why the New Star-Wars Trilogy is Really Awful 


Staff Writer 

Star Wars is one of the biggest, most recognizable, most successful franchises of all time. Everyone knows its theme song and the long exposition text in the beginning. The most recognizable characters like Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Maul, Captain Rex, Commander Cody, and General Grievous, I can go on. Or the captivating storylines, like how Luke Skywalker finds out his father is the worst person in the galaxy, Darth Vader. Or how Obi-Wan genuinely tried to teach Anakin the ways of the Jedi only to watch him slowly decline to the dark side becoming Darth Vader. The original trilogy along with the prequel is well memorable with lines like “Luke…I’m your father”, “Well that was uncivilized”, “Hello there”, and “I don’t think the system works”. 

But Stars-Wars has taken huge blows with the sequel trilogy. With horrible writing, lack of direction, with unoriginal ideas. The sequels are the most hated of Star Wars lore, even people who are not Star-Wars fans hate the movies for how awful they are. 

To start off, the new trilogy of Star Wars is unoriginal. It’s literally copy-paste. They even use characters from the old movies, forcing them in there because the writers are super lazy or just kill them off for no reason because it’s time for the new generation of heroes to take their place. They are added for diversity reasons or to satisfy progressive check marks with absolutely no character, or any reasons to be there or might be the most annoying people ever. The Force Awakens was a copy-paste of A New Hope. That’s it really…It was a decent movie but after The Force Awakens, the trilogy went off the rails. 

Secondly, the writing is awful. Who wrote the story?! Rey is supposed to be this young Jedi who barely discovers she has the force. But yet somehow she’s able to wield it, fight incredibly like a lifetime Jedi. She even defeated Kylo Ren in her first fight, a Sith Lord who has slain many people, is powerful, fast, brutal, and a person who has trained for years! Is beaten up by a young girl who has barely gotten a lightsaber…? Or Kylo Ren, the villain who is supposed to be seen as a threat, but he acts stupid, and childish, people challenge him, and make fun of him. I remember people would laugh at him in the movie theater because his character was so edgy, stupid, and childish. Or Rose, arguably the worst character ever in Star Wars. She’s annoying, literally gets people killed, saying “love saves the day” (did a child make this movie)? Her purpose in the movie is…I don’t know to be honest. Oh yeah, Princess Lea is a Jedi, yeah she’s a Jedi right out of the blue, no joke. She dies in one scene and then comes back to life as a Jedi who knew she was a Jedi even though in the original trilogy she was just a normal person the whole time. 

Third, there is a scene with a lack of direction. In the Last Jedi the second installment, there are so many curve balls thrown at you, that I felt I was watching a low-budget sci-fi film on the channel SCI-FI. But nope, this was a high-budget film made by big names in Hollywood, with the studio of Disney. They hint that Rey’s parents are something big, then they throw them out the window saying they were nobodies? “Kylo Ren might turn into a Jedi, oh never mind, wait wait wait he might, oh never mind”, they keep playing this dynamic so much in Star Wars it becomes just a chore to watch. Oh yeah, Palatine comes back from the dead…somehow through cloning, I guess. Then he dies again by electrocuting himself, the same mistake he did in the prequels…Oh yeah, the rebels act surprised when the First Order troops fly like they have never seen that before. Even though clone troopers used jetpacks before the First Order generations ago.  

    Finally, the movies are hated not just by Star Wars fans but also by normal people. I talked to some people who aren’t fans. They said they were confused or didn’t understand Star Wars anymore. That is why the new trilogy sucks. 

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