Miner Expo 2022: Miners Take on Hollywood

Staff Writer

Miner Expo is taking place May 9-12 this year. Miner Expo is a modified version of the well-known “Mr. Miner”. The new “Miner Expo”, however, includes both boys and girls, whereas “Mr. Miner” was only for boys. Every senior was eligible to participate in the week and could choose anyone as an escort. 

The theme of the week is “Miners Take on Hollywood” and gives Hollywood red carpet vibes. Each day of the spirit week is assigned a different genre of movie. Monday is animated films, so students should dress as Disney characters or wear blue. Tuesday is comedy films, so students should dress up as Adam Sandler or wear yellow. Wednesday is romance films, so students should dress as their type or wear pink. Lastly, Thursday is silent films and rally day, so students are encouraged to wear black and white. The candidates will be wearing formal dresses and suits at the rally.

Throughout the week, candidates will compete in different lunchtime activities and can win points for winning the games and dressing up each day. On Thursday, at the rally, each contestant will showcase their special talent to the juniors and seniors at El Diamante and a panel of teacher judges will judge the talents and name the “Miner of the Year”. 

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