Telle buddy – love theory 


Staff Writer

If you were assigned a random number to talk to once a day do you think you would fall in love? Nowadays we as teenagers stick to our groups and don’t normally “change them” unless something happens. Why stick to one group of people when you can get to know a little bit about everyone. A telle- buddy would let you out resource your emotion and feelings to someone every day without fully realizing who it is until you meet them.  Of course, the trust would be gained and if you didn’t like them you could cancel it. However, it’s more of a method to be used to figure out someone else’s thought process and what they go through in life. After the trust is gained and conversations have been made you meet up in real life to see if the physical effects the friendship. 

Sometimes all people need is someone to talk to. It could even be set up by the school where they make you physically meet them after two months then switch buddies. Overall school relationships (friendships) would increase and the school would feel more welcoming to new people. They can get placed with telle- buddy during lunch (if they wanted) and meet people through there. 

Would you want or consider a tele-buddy? 

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