Purple Hearts: A Netflix Movie


Staff Writer

Purple Hearts is a recent film that was released on Netflix. A musician (Cassie) overwhelmed by medical bills marries a Marine (Luke) for the benefits. Despite having to fake their relationship they start to fall in love. Although they had a difficult life, Luke’s past was the biggest source of their issues. He was a drug addict in recovery and owed his dealer a ton of cash. He kept assuring his dealer that he would get him his money from his false marriage in an effort to buy some time. For a while, their plan was working until Luke became injured in Iraq. His dealer warned him that if he didn’t obtain the rest of his money soon he would report him to the authorities. Unfortunately for Luke, that’s what ended up happening. As a result, Luke lost his job and served an additional six months in prison. If he had one good thing going for him, it was Cassie’s willingness to stand by his side. 

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