The End of Summer (an opinion)


Staff Writer

It’s September, meaning the beginning of the Fall season for many people. As some are planning for Halloween, others are holding on to the last drops of Summer. It’s the season of fun in the sun and blistering, obnoxious heat. 25% of Americans actually prefer the Summer, but if you were to ask them why they always answer with the same few reasons. 

1. “Summer Vacation!” It’s true, for those three months, people under the age of 18 are only worried about what plans they have and how long they can sleep in, but eventually, we graduate, so we don’t get those fun, nostalgia-filled weeks of summer vacation, because, in the real world, work doesn’t just stop for the season. 

2. “The days are longer, warmer, and brighter!” Yes, sadly. It’s California! You shouldn’t welcome this insane heat. As for the days being longer, it makes people want to stay up longer, and wake up earlier, meaning less sleep! 

3. “The beach!” This is probably the least valid reason, yet I hear it constantly. The beach is nothing but irritating and expensive. There are tourists flooding the beaches, constant chatter, overpriced food, and objects as well as the annoyance of somehow getting everywhere. Also, how does nobody ever question the fact that the ocean is the most polluted thing on the planet? Do you know how many dead things are in the ocean? Or the fact that 80% of the ocean is still unexplored? And that’s just the depths of the ocean, on the surface, or even where you are playing in the water. There are so many disgusting things such as blood, urine, and other things that are too gross to even think about. Once you really think about it, it’s truly disgusting. So think about that when you try to tell me how the beach is “so much fun”.

Now, for those of us who are gladly giving summer an Irish goodbye, let’s just sit here and think about what Autumn has in store for us. 

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