What Qualifies Someone as a Hero?


Staff Writer 

Many people think a hero can be anyone, but this is far from the truth. Not everyone possesses the qualities or characteristics to be a hero.

When we think of what makes a hero, we think of movies showing the lonely, unpopular outcast who suddenly becomes a hero. The cliched definition of a hero is someone who has an amazing ability or talent that makes them different from others.

Despite all the flashy moves and superpowers, you probably already have a hero in your life. A hero is someone with moral integrity. Someone who is okay with not receiving credit for doing the right thing, and may never receive it in the future. Someone in your daily life can be a hero. It might be your mother, a friend, or your family member. Someone of the sort who does things you take for granted, such as cleaning the house, cooking your favorite meal, or being the person you always count on. The things that are listed above are all considered “non-heroic” because they aren’t saving the city like Batman or Spiderman. Don’t be loud about kind deeds. Silence is a virtue.

In spite of this, there are many things a hero is not. A hero is not selfish. He or she is not someone who only cares about themselves. And he or she is not someone who seeks validation from others when doing something good. The problem is our fixation with validation. If we aren’t applauded for every act of courage we do (big or small), did we even do it? Acting out of self-interest isn’t something a real hero would do – and who would want to look up to a person like that?

In other words, the next time you’re feeling down because your life isn’t like one of those Marvel movies, and you don’t have a superhero best friend or anyone remotely interesting in it, just remember – not all heroes wear capes.

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