Why are so many SNSs copying TikTok?


Staff Writer

Many social media such as YouTube and Instagram are changing similarly to TikTok by shorts and reels. Why are so many SNS turning to short-form video hosting services? Because TikTok is so popular these days. The reason why TikTok is popular is that TikTok makes people famous easily. As one Hollywood film director said, “90% of success in life is showing up.” So one has to be visible to be successful, and TikTok is a really good way to show up. First, because TikTok is a short format video, it has a good turnover. People watch the videos quickly because it is short and slides to the next video, so there are many videos and one’s videos are more likely to be seen by people as well. Second, TikTok subscribers and views are increasing faster than YouTube because TikTok has a lot of music and dance videos, so the language barrier is low, so globalization is easy. This means that people in other countries will also watch one’s videos. TikTok also has video templates and green screens, so it is easy to edit videos. Therefore, more people gather in Tiktok because of good accessibility. The more people there are, the more information is accumulated. These days people use TikTok to get information. More information will bring more people together, and the rise of TikTok is inevitable because it created that cycle. Overall, TikTok easily becomes popular and there are a lot of people, and other SNSs copy the TikTok system.

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