

Staff writer

Have you ever stopped and paid attention to how they treat people or make fun of who they are? People are starting to feel insecure about themselves and they want to start changing up their clothes and stuff for the people so they don’t make fun of them or anything. People can’t be who they wanna be because they do not want to get made fun of by people, they wanna feel good about themselves and just be who they are.

I believe that people should not care what people have to say about them because they are just gonna keep saying what they wanna say. People should live their life how they want to because that’s their own life and no one else’s.  I experienced this before because in middle and all the way to freshman year I care what people think of me and so I tried dressing like what other people or what was cool because I wanted to be like them and I did not want other people to make fun of me, but I mean my outfits were not that bad but I tried dressing a little cooler like the cool people did but I wanted to seem like I was cool also and not like a weird person or anything but then I finally realized that because I thought it is pretty dumb how people care so much. I even got tired of trying so hard to dress cool so I don’t get made fun of or anything. People are always gonna have something to say no matter what because that is what people do and we can not control that.

Now since my cousin started middle school already she is caring for the way she looks and stuff. She does not go to a public school, she goes to a private school so they have to wear a uniform. Anyways my cousin is like a nerd type of person which is good but she doesn’t want anyone making fun of her because of what she likes and stuff. When she told me about that I started telling her that she should not care what people think or what they have to say because people are always gonna have something to say no matter what and I told her that she should always be the bigger person and just to ignore them for what they have to say or think about you.

At the end of the day, everyone should be their own self and not care what people gotta say or think. Being different is good because you don’t have to be the same as everyone else because that is boring. 

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