An Interview With an Accomplished High School Senior.


Staff Writer

Over Labor day weekend I had the opportunity to sit down and interview my cousin about his high school experience. Jess Watson is a senior at University Preparatory High School (UPHS) at the COS campus.

UPHS is not a widely known school in Visalia, so Jess provided me with some background about the school. UPHS is a smaller high school with around 250 students. The school offers rigorous academics and college-level courses. With a smaller learning environment, Jess tells me that it has been easier to forge closer bonds with his fellow classmates. He enjoys the community his school has; Jess has gotten to get to know his classmates better through study groups and other academic activities.

I asked Jess to brag about his academic achievements and I was genuinely impressed by how much he’s achieved these past four years. He has maintained a GPA of over 4.0 since freshman year and has a cumulative GPA of 4.2. Jess is taking 4 college classes his senior year and will be graduating high school with his General Education Degree. He has been taking a variety of college courses since freshman year. Jess has taken American Sign Language courses for the past three years and is considering a fourth year in order to graduate with biliteracy. 

Jess is thoroughly involved in the UPHS music program and a variety of other city music programs. Jess has participated in the UPHS handbells program for several years; he’s in advanced handbells and is helping teach the beginning handbells students this year! He is also in the UPHS Symphony, Sequoia Youth Symphony, and COS Symphonic Band. Besides COS and UPHS music programs, Jess is actively involved in the Gateway Church of Visalia music ministry. He helps lead worship at Gateway Youth on some Sundays and is in the church orchestra. Jess plays the alto saxophone in symphonies and bands. He exhibits an extreme commitment to music and constantly strives to improve!

Regarding college, Jess wants to stay in state and major in either business or fire science. He is currently working on college applications and building his resume. Jess has made our family very proud and we all admire his drive!

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