ASL on Campus


Staff Writer

Every Thursday during lunch, the ASL Club on campus meets in room 365. In this club, members get to learn American Sign Language and about the community that comes with the language. Personally, I have been in the club all 4 years of my high school career. In that time, I have become nearly fluent in ASL and have learned a lot about the deaf culture as well.

The Deaf community is one that is not talked about enough on campus, and I want that to change this school year. As the Vice President of the club, I want to see more interaction between the hearing and deaf students at El Diamante. I want to see an attempt at communication. 

I want to see this connection now more than ever, seeing as September is actually Deaf Awareness Month! The ASL Club is working out plans for this month in order to highlight our club and the deaf community, some ideas including at lunch activities. For now, nothing is set in stone, but make sure to keep an eye out for any announcements about activities that may be hosted by the ASL Club this month. If you want to learn more about American Sign Language and the deaf community, stop by room 365 THIS Thursday during lunch and check out our club! 

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