Hour of Blue Short Story 


Staff Writer

Have you ever believed dreams could come true? To achieve something, we must go through a series of trials, failures, downfalls, new experiences, walls, lies, and new highs. Every time something comes along something tragic follows along, maybe not to you, maybe not to the person across from you but maybe to someone you had least expected. It’s those who are quiet, those who take all the hits in silence keeping to themselves because it was what was taught to them; if they were to speak up, it would be a burden, and if they were to communicate how they felt upon things it would only make things worse. It’s a tragic story of every hour they face in the sun it is where the moonlight hits and the tears begin to fly out of their eyes and onto their hands which cover their face. It’s the dark blue sky that they stay up with to listen to what calms their minds and lets their thoughts run wild with any fantasies they could think of to just run away. However, the intrusive thoughts then begin to flood their heads which leads to them getting struck back down to where there is nothing but a dark pit surrounding them. Though most wouldn’t understand their minds, there is always a little light inside the darkness which keeps them alive; a mindset that is filled with black the bright light begins to keep its balance between hurt, pain, happiness, and love which was not only lacked as a child but their life growing up. 

All the little kids wanted was to be loved by both their parents, to fill safe in the arms of someone, to feel as if they belonged somewhere, but life never worked for them. It was always the closeness of believing what they wanted could come true that was painful because when the moment it came the time where all the work was undone with a few actions was the time where it was no longer possible for the person to be able to be happy. They just wanted to be wanted, they just wanted to be loved, they just wanted someone to save them from being lost but instead, the darkness had overcome. To explain in words in which one can no longer be explained, it’s in which the blue hour hits the moon and shines through the window where everything falls apart. It could no longer be contained, it could no longer be held, It is the hour which the pain hurts the worse.

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