Mending Mindsets Club

Staff Writer

This year, as a senior, I started a new club on campus called Mending Mindsets. It is a club surrounding and based on mental health. I think it is very important for mental health to be talked about, especially in high school. A lot of us experience and go through a lot during this period in our lives, and it is important for everyone to know that they are not alone in this. The purpose of this club is to create a supportive environment where people can feel comfortable enough to talk about their struggles. We all have them and I think it is nice to have a support system to help you get through it. We will be doing fun and calming activities, and also having conversations about how to improve our mental health. Meetings will take place every other Thursday during homeroom, and everyone is more than welcome to join! You can email me for any additional information at We would love to have you 🙂

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