The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Movie Review


Staff Writer

If there was ever a competition for one of the best Western Movies, this film would be an automatic contender. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly was released in 1966 has a runtime of almost 3 hours long, and stars one of the most well-known Western actors, Clint Eastwood. I have not personally seen many Western movies but from the ones I have seen, this one easily takes the trophy for the best. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly has so many good action scenes, especially in the beginning and towards the end and that’s not the best thing about this film either, the best thing about this movie is the music and camera shots used throughout the movie. This movie created a soundtrack that would forever be a part of other western movies, this soundtrack has created this place in the movie world as being so iconic and being such a placeholder for other Western movies. Now the camera shots included in this film are also spectacular with most action shots being very close up which just increases the dramatic feel to the movie. Overall this film was amazing and there is so much to say about this film that spoils it unfortunately but I do have one issue with this film and that’s the middle part of the movie is kind of boring. The beginning and the end are phenomenal and carry the movie on its shoulders but the middle was a bit bland with most scenes with no action and just walking around in a desert. 

Overall The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly was still an amazing film to watch and everything about this highlight of a Western movie is so iconic and is still referenced in our everyday lives. I would give this movie a solid 9/10 and to be honest, I was never a fan of any western movies until I saw this one so I highly recommend this film. 

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