I have sympathy for Camilla, King Charles’ One-Time Mistress, Now Wife


Staff Writer

The recent death of the Queen of England, it has made me think about the love triangle between Princess Diana, King Charles, and Camilla. At first glance it may look like Princess Diana is the victim, but with a closer look at it, Camilla is more of a victim. King Charles fell in love with Camilla, but with forces pulling them apart, they eventually broke up. The royal family didn’t want Camilla, an “experienced” woman, to be a princess. Camilla treated Charles as an equal and didn’t idolize him. She also wasn’t “aristocratic ” enough for the royal family, thus King Charles’ uncle, Lord Mountbatten told King Charles, he can’t marry Camilla. Through their actions, the royal family told Camilla she wasn’t good enough.

Researching their destiny to find love for one another, has made me sympathize with Camilla. If someone were to tell you, you aren’t good enough for the love of your life, wouldn’t that break a piece of you on the inside? I do have sympathy for Princess Diana and King Charles as well, but if you were to put yourselves in Camilla’s shoes, it would be very painful to go through. To be told by people that you aren’t good enough to join our family, and be resented by your true love’s family, that’s painful.

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