Personal Growth


Staff Writer

The activity I chose to do as an experiment was “if you get into a fight with a parent or a friend, be the first to apologize”. I personally always get into little fights with my parents that reflect on how I feel about what they do and I never apologize first. The most recent fight with my parents was about my education. They want me to do Independent Studies because it will “make me graduate early and get me to college sooner. I disagreed with them saying that “they are taking my senior year experiences away from me”. I can see their point of view but at the same time, I want to graduate with my class and do the senior year activities. I ended this argument by apologizing for my actions and telling them I need to be more proactive. After reading this article it showed me how to be less reactive and to be more responsible with what I say and react. A quote I live by is “Actions speak louder than words”, this has helped me by not only living up to my words but living up to my actions as well. The text, “The Habits of Highly Effective Teens” has given me an entirely new perspective on how I will handle my anger and frustration. However, there are moments in the learning process that I will still come across reactively but I am going to change how I speak and react to make me a better person. 

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