Konzert, the Monn


Staff Writer

For the last eight years, I have been playing the cello. Of these eight years, I have had the privilege of privately studying the cello for the last seven of them. Every Thursday at 5:45 PM, I sit down in the house of my private tutor and have a 45-minute lesson in which I work on technique along with my current piece to perform. My latest piece in the works is the Konzert by Georg Monn.

What makes this piece different from all the other pieces I’ve done in my time playing is that this one is going to be my senior solo. In the high school orchestras in Visalia, every year seniors have the chance to play a concerto along with the orchestra. This year, I am bestowed with this opportunity. 

I picked the Monn to be my senior solo for this year because I felt it accurately represented who I am on the inside. Being in the key of G minor, I felt it depicted the darker and richer tones I enjoy most in music. Yet, it still has a sense of fun to it with its abundance of sixteenth notes and occasional trills. It is also a piece that I feel adequately challenges me while still being doable, an aspect I like implementing into my day-to-day life.

The Monn is not yet ready to see the stage, but soon it will be. When that day comes, I will be too. I can’t wait to share my final performance with El Diamante.

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