Depression & Suicide in High School Students.


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If you got a group of 100 students, surveyed them, and if they were 100% honest. You would find that one in 3 of those students experiences some form of depression or suicidal thoughts. In a 2022 study by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), it is proven that 44% of students experience feelings of hopelessness or sadness, it is also shown that 20% of students have considered suicide and 9% have attempted suicide in the 12 months leading up to the survey. 

Depression and Suicidal Thoughts run rampant in the mind of students. And as someone who experiences periods of both constantly, the dark thoughts are really hard to escape from once they are in your head. And for a student in any grade, the stress of maintaining passing grades, social status, and bullying can result in these thoughts worsening. It’s upsetting that school children have to suffer through these thoughts daily, with what feels like no escape from it. Many students go through this without help or reassurance that their life means something. 

If you or somebody you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts. Please, reach out for help. Talk to someone, and they will help you. Even if you feel as if nothing helps, letting someone know how you feel will remind you how much you mean to people. And please, if you feel like you’re never getting better, call the National Suicide Hotline Crisis Lifeline (988) to talk to someone who will get you professional help. 

You are cared for, loved, and cherished by many, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

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