My Final Day Of High School Tennis


Staff Writer 

My last final tennis match is coming up and it is going to be the last time I will ever play on our courts. I am really sad knowing that my season is already over. I can’t put into words how much this season has meant to me. I have made so many new relationships with my friends and I am so grateful for all of them. I will miss them all and will never forget them. I believe this has been my best season yet because I played my heart out at every game and always did the best I could. Knowing that I’m leaving almost everyone from my team makes me very sad and breaks my heart because I made so many memories and had a lot of laughs with them, but I am also happy that I am leaving because I will be moving on to the next chapter of my life and I can’t wait for it. Just because I’m done playing tennis in high school doesn’t mean that I’m done with it completely. I will continue playing it at COS and I am really looking forward to that. I had so much fun playing this season and can’t wait to get back on the court later again.

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