Senior Attendance


Staff Writer 

The senior attendance policy has angered a lot of students as well as parents and is currently being fought at the school board level. The attendance policy entails that seniors must be in school for 94% of the school year, which totals about 11 absences. This has caused a lot of issues with students because sicknesses can only be excused by doctors’ notes, which sends kids the wrong message – to go to school when you are sick and just risk everyone else getting sick just for attendance. Many people don’t have the luxury of being able to just go to their doctor for an authentic note. Everything from parents working to transportation issues. Even COVID is not excused (with the exception of a note) and when one has COVID they are out for sometimes more than a week. The attendance policy is deemed “useless” by many students because it just seems like a weak rule to force seniors to be in school, even when ⅚ of their classes are electives and could be made up either at home or when they come back. 

The school board is currently fighting the rule to get rid of the senior attendance policy and let seniors take responsibility for their actions on whether they go to school or not. 

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