Things That Don’t Make Sense


Staff Writer

There is a multitude of things we see in our lives that simply make zero sense to us or are just something we can’t grasp the concept of. I’m here as a representative of many students at El Diamante to tell you things that just don’t make sense. 

Boats and Planes. Many of us just accept the fact that a heavy piece of metal is able to fly and float when most of us can’t do either of those things. We aren’t convinced. Why doesn’t it just sink to the bottom? Does gravity just grant it a pass or something?
Ocean and Space exploration. I understand we’ve advanced far in technology, but how are we able to even go miles and miles under the ocean let alone leave the planet entirely. I just can’t imagine people wanting to willingly risk everything for a chance to see the unknown.

Flat Earthers. If we truly have been to space, even if we can’t grasp the concept, why are people believing the earth is flat? Additionally, you can see the sun and moon are pretty clear spheres. Once again do they think gravity just gave the earth a free pass or something?

Bluetooth. How? There is no way you’re able to play sounds with something thousands of miles away from you. And how is it traveling that fast? It’s convenient, but it just doesn’t make sense. 

Time Zones. What determines time zones? If we are getting technical everywhere is a different time zone differentiated by minutes and seconds. Who determines the cut-off of time zones and why isn’t there a formula to it?

English Language. English has to be the most stupid language ever. Certain words make no sense in pronunciation. To give a few: Nike and Like, Know (why is there a K), explore (why are there two e’s just put xplor). 

Traffic. I get cars slow down and cause a chain reaction, but how does traffic get absolutely horrendous? Just drive people. 

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