My Cat, Airhead


Staff Writer

I know what you’re thinking. “Is that actually your cat’s name?” Yes. Yes, it is. I never intended for him to have such an interesting name, but it just happened in a way where we couldn’t choose anything else. The first day that we got him, I was throwing out silly name suggestions that I never intended to be taken seriously. When I said, “what about Airhead?” My sister immediately turned to me and said that she loved it. Within a day of calling him this, he was already responding to it and he was connected to the name. There was no going back, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Airhead has the most unique personality I’ve ever seen in a cat, and I’ve had a lot of cats throughout my life. He is super talkative, and sometimes even seems to understand what I’m saying. He loves it when I give him attention, but he never comes up to me and asks for it. It’s as if he doesn’t want to seem like he likes it or wants it, but every time I pay attention to him, he can’t get enough of it.

Overall, Airhead is absolutely my best friend and is one of the most unique cats I’ve met.

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