What Teens Want Adults to Understand About Their Lives Online

Staff Writer

Teenagers spend a significant amount of time online, having grown up with devices and learning to rely on them. Despite the many positives the internet and social media has, there are also many downsides that are becoming more and more destructive. Teens want adults to understand that they feel powerless in the sense that they can’t bring themselves to put down their phones or limit screen time. To some, social media is seen as an escape and an essential part of someone’s day. With this much reliance comes an unhealthy relationship. Procrastination is at an all-time high among teens because of such easy access to devices, and it becomes very distracting. The lack of productivity has teens feeling drained and stressed, causing anxiety levels to rise. Teens don’t expect adults to have answers for them or propose any solutions, they just want them to understand that teens themselves understand how detrimental social media is for their mental health, they have just learned to rely on it so heavily that it has become a necessity to get through everyday life.

Source used – https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/27/learning/what-teenagers-want-adults-to-understand-about-their-lives-online.html

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