Between the Lines – A Book Review 

By Josslyn Caskey

 Staff writer

Where is your favorite spot to read? Mine definitely isn’t at school. I don’t know if it’s the environment or the books, but I always find myself dosing off. 

Books students are required to read for their English classes are spread over multiple genres and backgrounds. In middle school, you may recall reading books like The Giver, Boy in the Striped Pajamas, and Anne Franks’s Diary. Most of the books cover heavy topics such as the Holocaust and dystopian worlds. 

Making the jump to high school, you can recall reading books such as To Kill a Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men, and The Great Gatsby. Most of these books cover heavy topics of racism and finding the American dream. 

So why do we read these specific books? Surly everyone knows about racism and how the Holocaust affected the globe. But it’s learning and developing a finer knowledge about these events that in my opinion, we can use to not only strengthen our reading and writing skills but to also help turn a new page in history.  

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