College Applications


Staff Writer

The month of November is a very stressful time for most seniors. As a freshman, sophomore, and junior, college was nothing but a future thought. Now, many of us are in the middle of submitting and filling out applications. People have always said that high school flies by, and I never believed them. Four years seems like a long time, but in reality, it is very short. While figuring out which colleges to apply to, and filling out applications, it is important to remember to take a second for yourself once in a while and do things to reduce the stress put on us during this time.

While I am not trying to be hypocritical in my last statement and stress out any of my fellow seniors more than they already are, the University of California and most Cal State University applications are due this month. In order to make them the least stressful they can be, it is important to give yourself a fair amount of time to complete your applications. Waiting till the week they are due is definitely not a good idea. It is also important to ask your teachers and learning director for help when needed. They are there to support and help you through this trying time, so don’t be afraid to ask for assistance. 

Not only is submitting applications stressful, but the waiting period of receiving your acceptance, rejection, or waitlisted response is also as well. Many of us put a lot of pressure on ourselves to get into great schools. I myself am guilty of this. Although it is important to have dreams and goals for yourself, it is also important to remember that an acceptance letter does not define your worth. Not getting accepted into your top-choice school is not the end of the world. It has taken me a long time to accept that. We have all worked so hard, and have done the best we can, and that is more than enough. 

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