Good Looks, Overlooked Girl


Staff Writer

I possess all the right things to fit in.

I live in the right neighborhood.

I drive the right kind of car.

I wear the right style of clothes.

But I’m nothing compared to the homecoming queen candidates.

Do you ever just look at someone and know that you’re exactly their type, but you know they’ll never go for you?

My appearance is the standard and the exact right type.

I work out all year round, not just one month before summer.

I have all the right looks.

My brain isn’t proportionate to who I present myself to be.

Glamour muddles up good grades.

My smile blurs out my Star Wars obsession.

Money outshines morality.

They told me I would be the perfect prom queen.

They told me high school would be the time of my life.

But all I see here is what I’ll never be.

I see what I’ll never have.

I look in the mirror and everything I should be glaring at me.

And I glare right back.

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