My Rating of the Thanksgiving Foods


Staff Writer 

Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday. This holiday has the best food and the best spirits, as everyone is so full of thanks. No other holiday even comes close to the deliciousness of the food that Thanksgiving brings, but there are some foods that we have to be honest with ourselves and not hype up so much.

The first Thanksgiving food that I am going to discuss is the star of the show, the turkey. Although without turkey Thanksgiving would not be complete, it is not the best-tasting meat on the table. Turkey tends to be very, very dry, and I have had turkey made in all different kinds of ways, but yet still experience the same problem. That’s why I will always prefer ham over turkey. Not only does it hold much more flavor, but it also does not scrape my throat as it’s going down. 

Next up is pumpkin pie. I do love everything pumpkin and pumpkin pie is a staple to Thanksgiving, but there is a much better contender when you are picking your dessert. Pumpkin pie, to me, is too boring. I enjoy one bite of pumpkin pie before I get bored of it, I can never finish a whole slice. With apple pie, however, I can eat a whole pie without getting tired of it. There is just nothing like a warm slice of pumpkin pie with some vanilla ice cream. 

Those are my (correct) takes on some Thanksgiving foods. Regardless though, I love all the foods on Thanksgiving. 

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