Teachers Influence

Staff Writer

Young kids and teens are around teachers and professors for the majority of their life, so there is no denying that these adult figures have influences on them. Educators make a difference in lives every day and push kids to think deeply. In an article interviewing teenagers on how they have been affected by teachers – one mentioned how teachers have challenged them, guided them, as well as comforted them. Teachers have the ability and power to build you up or destroy you depending on the person which is why it is so important to be a positive influence in the classroom. There are certain qualities that make teachers such an important part of kids’ lives, and these include being patient, firm, as well as creative. Because children and teens spend so much of their days in the classroom, there are many lessons that teachers can teach them that stick with kids for the rest of their lives. Teachers that are involved seem to have the most influence on students because this allows the students to push themselves. Making connections with teachers is what impacts a kid’s life. 

Cite Used  https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/20/learning/what-students-are-saying-about-how-their-teachers-have-shaped-them.html

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