The Orange Cat Phenomenon


Staff Writer

Many of you may not know about this, but orange cats seem to almost always be crazier than any other kind of cat. I never heard about this phenomenon until I, myself, got an orange cat. I can say that this phenomenon is absolutely real. I’ve had over 10 different cats in my whole life and I can confidently say that Airhead, the orange cat I currently have, is the craziest out of all of them.

This phenomenon is supported online too. I am constantly seeing videos and images that show the craziness of orange cats. I first found out about the insanity of orange cats through TikTok, and all of the things I’ve seen have been proven true by Airhead.

I wouldn’t change it for the whole world though. Every day is exciting and he keeps me on my toes. I definitely think that if you’re a cat person, you should get an orange cat at least once in your life. They truly are something else.

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