Avid Tutors!

Staff Writer

I wanted to remind all AVID Tutors that today is the last day that you can drop off your AVID binders for this semester. Make sure to get them dropped off by the end of the day today, in room 605. 

During finals, there will also be a box outside of Mrs. Jacobsma’s room labeled “Tutor Binders” that you can drop them off in. Make sure your name is on the cover sheet and all of the pages are filled out!

For those of you who are sophomores and juniors this year or aren’t taking this course, I highly recommend taking this class next year. Not only will you grow close with your teacher, but you will also get the chance to create new bonds with the students and learn how you can make an impact in their lives. 

This course is such a fun and informative class that I would recommend it to anyone who is even slightly interested!

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