Dear 2022


Staff Writer

You have taught me that you can never change people as much as you may want to. I have struggled with adapting to people’s personality traits especially if I am not fond of them. However, I have learned during the year 2022 that I just have to accept people for who they are. I have also learned the importance of kindness, with this being said, I used to be an unkind person but I have changed the way I perceive things and how I let my anger define me. I have chosen to let myself become a bigger and better person. My overall lesson has been that people do not define me. 

However, I will not miss the way people have treated me. I have been called nasty names and rumors have been spread about who I am as a person and my actions. As much as I can put up a brave front it still hurts me on the inside. I also want to leave behind the stress I felt dealing with my grades and my rank in the class. I have further learned to let my stress go and all of the grudges I used to hold in 2022. 

In the new year, I hope to bring more positivity to my life especially because I have been a very negative person in my past years. I am hoping that 2023 will bring me nothing but joy and happiness in my life and my family’s life as well. My family has dealt with a lot of heartfelt issues during 2022 which have changed my perspective on life. For example, I need to be more relaxed and not so uptight so I do not regret how I choose to live my life. It is a hard challenge because I struggle with severe depression every day so I am trying to change my life for the positive. My piece of advice for everyone is to be more positive, our world needs it. 

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