Next Week’s Schedule 

Staff Writer

Next week El Diamante has a different than normal schedule. On Monday, January 23rd, we have a Staff Development Minimum Day, but still have a late start. This day will be all classes, and we will get out at 1:22 pm. 

On Tuesday, January 24th, we still have a minimum day with all classes, but it’s not a late start. Students will start school at 8:30 am, and be let out at 12:35 pm. Due to the VUSD ALICE Training on this day, the campus will be closed from 1:00 to 5:00 pm. 

Wednesday, January 25th, will also be an all-period day, but will not be a minimum day. So students start at the normal time of 8:30 am and leave at 3:30 pm. 

On the last two days of the week, January 26th and January 27th, students will be on their normal block schedule and get out at their normal time. 

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