Beach vs Mountains?


Staff Writer

This is always a conversation that comes up yet everyone has a different point of view on the difference between rather going to the beach or the mountains. Most people consider the beach over the mountains because of the weather and water. Some people prefer the cold and some prefer warmth. When it comes to mountains or beaches, one’s weather preferences come into play. According to new research on personality, extroverts prefer the ocean, and introverts fo for the mountains. But researchers went further ad showed that if introverts listened to noises at a volume similar to extroverts’ preferred volume, the introverts performed significantly worse on a learning task. The mountains are a remote escape from humanity, a place to be alone and soak up the sunrise. Yet beaches are the best for relaxation with the sound of waves crashing on the shore. Being outside enjoying the calming sound of water. They both take you into endless horizons with the sunrise reflecting on the ocean to nature’s beauty in the mountains.


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