Month: January 2023

Inside Out

By: JORDAN RUBIO Staff Writer Inside Out is a fantasy animated film that made its debut in 2015. This is one of Disney’s most famous animated films. I’m sure many[Read More…]

Dear 2022

By: LAUREN LANDIN Staff Writer You have taught me that you can never change people as much as you may want to. I have struggled with adapting to people’s personality[Read More…]

2023 Grad Nite

By: MADISON GARCIA Staff Writer For this year’s Grad Nite, seniors will be going to Disneyland. While I am very excited to spend time with my senior class before graduation,[Read More…]

California Weather

By: LEENA KHAN Staff Writer  There has been nonstop talk about the popular topic: the crazy weather. California is experiencing one of the worst storms in the state’s history, even[Read More…]


By SAMUEL TORRES Staff Writer  An album that hits emotions, Maggie Lindemann delivered on that, she released an album on September 16, 2022, called SUCKERPUNCH which had around 15 tracks.[Read More…]