What is 11th grade like?


Staff writer

Junior year is definitely interesting. There’s more homework and grades become a lot more important. Some people didn’t expect the junior year to add on so much pressure while others see 11th grade as an easy year. Here are some of my friends’ opinions of how their junior year went or is going.

Kaitlyn (junior): “Stressful, overwhelming, exhausting… but at least I’m closer to graduating”.

Callie (junior): “You have to start looking more into college. Sometimes you feel burnt out. Other than that it’s really fun”.

Ellie (junior): “Junior year has been pretty fun. I have to work hard but when I stay on top of things, it’s not so hard”.

Danielle (senior): “There was definitely a lot of work, I had homework for hours. It was a lot of fun because we had just got back from Covid and it was nice having so many opportunities for dance. I even got to try new sports and all that jazz”.

Everyone has had a pretty different experience, other than the homework part, what was or is your like?

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