Breaking Down the Walls Experience!


Staff writer 

This week we had this new company called Breaking Down The Walls come to our school. It is a company where it helps kids feel and know they’re not alone. Our host was named Stewart and we called him Stu for short. He was a really great host and taught all of the kids and leaders that attend Breaking down The Walls good things.  I was a leader this week for Breaking down The Walls. One thing I really enjoyed about this whole thing was how I got to meet new people and talk to people as well as conversate with people that I don’t on a daily basis. I found out a lot of cool things about the people I was partnered up with. Some of the activities we did involved walking in a circle and finding a random partner who you don’t usually talk to like a different grade, opposite gender, and not with a friend, as well as playing some games and getting to know each other’s story. The whole point of Breaking Down the Walls is knowing you are not alone and two, finding out each other’s stories. I was a leader and we got to facilitate groups of 9 and 10 people and do fun games like this really fun straw game, two truths, and a lie, as well as a fist bump “Oh Yeah” game. Breaking down the walls not only showed me how good it is to be a leader and to have conversations with people you don’t normally talk to, but to be happy that you get to spend every day with the people you love and care about. 

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