My Happy Place 

By Jackelin Gomez

Staff Writer

My happiest place in the whole world is Oceano Dunes. Every summer me and lots of my family go camping at Oceano. We all have our own toys and ATVstvs so every time we go it’s lots of fun. Many of my favorite memories take place in Oceano. Back in 2020, we hadn’t been able to make our trip due to covid. I had also just had knee surgery in early September and then one Saturday in October my dad came home during his lunch break and asked us if we wanted to go to Oceano, but we weren’t going to camp or take any of the ATVs, we were just going to go. He also told us that my godfather and my aunt were going to go with their families. Me and my brothers told him that we wanted to go, it didn’t matter that we weren’t staying a whole weekend, or that I had just started walking again. I wanted to go because all I needed was my family there. Every time I go I forget I have a life back home because I’m surrounded by the people I love and care about the most. The last time I was in Oceano I turned my phone off because I didn’t care about anything else in the world. I wanted to enjoy my time away from everything and live in the moment. Worries and problems don’t exist when I’m there. Every day I catch myself counting down the days till I go back to Oceano. The thing I hate most about my happy place is having to leave. 

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